Oblique Plane Microscopy (OPM)

The orthogonal illumination and detection geometry adopted by most LSFMs is accompanied by several underappreciated disadvantages. For example, this geometry is incompatible with hardware-based focus systems that reduce thermal and mechanical drift, standard imaging dishes, multi-well plates, microfluidics that establish chemotactic gradients, or parallel plate flow chambers that deliver controlled levels of shear stress. They are also accompanied by high rates of reagent consumption owing to large imaging chambers (~8.5mL for LLSM), which can be prohibitive for chemogenetic  and pharmacological perturbations. Importantly, the use of high numerical aperture water dipping objectives compromises the sterility of the specimen. Thus, evaluation of slow biological phenomena that take place over ~24 hours are highly challenging. In contrast, because oblique plane microscopy illuminates the specimen with an obliquely launched light-sheet and collects the fluorescence with the same objective (referred to as the primary objective) and uses aberration-free remote focusing (with a secondary and tertiary objective) to reorient and image the fluorescence on a scientific camera, it can operate in a more-convenient inverted format. Here, we will disseminate a highly optimized laser-scanning variant of OPM that is achieves a raw resolution of 299x336x731nm throughout a large field of view.The orthogonal illumination and detection geometry adopted by most LSFMs is accompanied by several underappreciated disadvantages. For example, this geometry is incompatible with hardware-based focus systems that reduce thermal and mechanical drift, standard imaging dishes, multi-well plates, microfluidics that establish chemotactic gradients, or parallel plate flow chambers that deliver controlled levels of shear stress. They are also accompanied by high rates of reagent consumption owing to large imaging chambers (~8.5mL for LLSM), which can be prohibitive for chemogenetic  and pharmacological perturbations. Importantly, the use of high numerical aperture water dipping objectives compromises the sterility of the specimen. Thus, evaluation of slow biological phenomena that take place over ~24 hours are highly challenging. In contrast, because oblique plane microscopy illuminates the specimen with an obliquely launched light-sheet and collects the fluorescence with the same objective (referred to as the primary objective) and uses aberration-free remote focusing (with a secondary and tertiary objective) to reorient and image the fluorescence on a scientific camera, it can operate in a more-convenient inverted format. Here, we will disseminate a highly optimized laser-scanning variant of OPM that is achieves a raw resolution of 299x336x731nm throughout a large field of view.


  1. Chen B, Chang BJ, Roudot P, Zhou F, Sapoznik E, Marlar-Pavey M, Hayes JB, Brown PT, Zeng CW, Lambert T, Friedman JR, Zhang CL, Burnette DT, Shepherd DP, Dean KM, Fiolka RP. Resolution doubling in light-sheet microscopy via oblique plane structured illumination. Nat Methods. 2022 Nov;19(11):1419-1426. doi: 10.1038/s41592-022-01635-8. Epub 2022 Oct 24. PubMed PMID: 36280718; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC10182454.

  2. Chen B, Chang BJ, Zhou FY, Daetwyler S, Sapoznik E, Nanes BA, Terrazas I, Gihana GM, Castro LP, Chan IS, Conacci-Sorrell M, Dean KM, Millett-Sikking A, York AG, Fiolka R. Increasing the field-of-view in oblique plane microscopy via optical tiling. Biomed Opt Express. 2022 Nov 1;13(11):5616-5627. doi: 10.1364/BOE.467969. eCollection 2022 Nov 1. PubMed PMID: 36733723; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC9872888.

  3. Perez-Castro L, Venkateswaran N, Garcia R, Hao YH, Lafita-Navarro MC, Kim J, Segal D, Saponzik E, Chang BJ, Fiolka R, Danuser G, Xu L, Brabletz T, Conacci-Sorrell M. The AHR target gene scinderin activates the WNT pathway by facilitating the nuclear translocation of β-catenin. J Cell Sci. 2022 Oct 15;135(20):jcs260028. doi: 10.1242/jcs.260028. Epub 2022 Oct 27. PMID: 36148682.

  4. Chang BJ, Manton JD, Sapoznik E, Pohlkamp T, Terrones TS, Welf ES, Murali VS, Roudot P, Hake K, Whitehead L, York AG, Dean KM, Fiolka R. Real-time multi-angle projection imaging of biological dynamics. Nat Methods. 2021 Jul;18(7):829-834. doi: 10.1038/s41592-021-01175-7. Epub 2021 Jun 28. PubMed PMID: 34183831; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC9206531.

  5. Sapoznik E, Chang BJ, Huh J, Ju RJ, Azarova EV, Pohlkamp T, Welf ES, Broadbent D, Carisey AF, Stehbens SJ, Lee KM, Marín A, Hanker AB, Schmidt JC, Arteaga CL, Yang B, Kobayashi Y, Tata PR, Kruithoff R, Doubrovinski K, Shepherd DP, Millett-Sikking A, York AG, Dean KM, Fiolka RP. A versatile oblique plane microscope for large-scale and high-resolution imaging of subcellular dynamics. Elife. 2020 Nov 12;9. doi: 10.7554/eLife.57681. PubMed PMID: 33179596; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC7707824.

  6. Lee KM, Guerrero-Zotano AL, Servetto A, Sudhan DR, Lin CC, Formisano L, Jansen VM, González-Ericsson P, Sanders ME, Stricker TP, Raj G, Dean KM, Fiolka R, Cantley LC, Hanker AB, Arteaga CL. Proline rich 11 (PRR11) overexpression amplifies PI3K signaling and promotes antiestrogen resistance in breast cancer.Nat Commun. 2020 Oct 30;11(1):5488. doi: 10.1038/s41467-020-19291-x. PubMed PMID: 33127913; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC7599336.